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Be Who You Are!

I have struggled with this lightly throughout my life. I was afraid to express the real me to the world for fear of being judged or made fun of. It took me a while to realize that being yourself is what you need to do! You don’t need to worry about what other people think because you never asked for their opinion. You never wanted to hear what they had to say about you, because in the end, life is meant to be enjoyed, not wasted.

I get dressed every morning and think about what society will think about me if I wear something in particular. I was afraid that if I showed off my “goofy, weird, and a little crazy side” because they wouldn’t accept me because of who I was. I often criticize myself more than the world does because I’m too afraid. I remember me thinking I ate too much, or I wasn’t as skinny as the other kids my age.

I want you to know that be yourself. I thought about this this Sunday and realized that being myself won me awards, got me the best friend of my dreams, made everyone like me. I go to school and anxiety kicks in, but when I show that I’m nerdy, I am smart, and that I love school, kids look up to me, they want me to be their partners so I can help them succeed! Don’t be afraid of the real you, because it’s the most beautiful version of you!

When I be myself, people compliment me. They tell me that I am amazing, mature for my age, I am smart, and that they are so lucky to have me in their life. What I’m trying to tell you guys is that society won’t always accept you, and that’s why you have to accept yourself. You have to own your personality because your unique. You’re beautiful and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, not even yourself! This is the world we live in, this is life. It’s meant to be enjoyed not wasted!

XOXO, Tropicalchick

P.S I hope that now that you’ve read this post that you will accept people for who they are as well. I have heard many people say, “Let’s make America beautiful again!”, and if that is what we’re supposed to do then this is the first step. I hope you can help make the world a better place. The place we know it should be. I love you guys so much!

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